Personalize your TapTo.Shop experience. Using the preview option, you can view and make adjustments to perfect your TapTo.Shop layout!
To customize the layout:
- In the My Sections view, press and drag your sections to order them
- Tap on the switch on the left-hand side of each section to activate/deactivate from your shop page.
- Click on the “+ New Section” on the bottom to add a new content section to your shop.
Don’t forget, you can pin any of your sections to the top of your page to highlight some of your best content or whatever matters most to you!
- Click the three dots to the right of the section you want to pin.
- Click “Pin Section” in the menu that pops up.
This pinned section is the first thing your audience will see when they click through to your TapTo.Shop. Make it pop!
To preview & link your shop:
- To Preview: In the My Sections View, click on the eye icon to preview your shop
- To Copy/Paste Your Shop Link: Go to Settings > Update Web Handle > Copy Link Button to Copy your Shop URL. Share your Shop URL in social media bio sections, your blog, and any other app or site you host content.