Not seeing the correct product information? Our LinkIt solution gives you the freedom and flexibility to make changes to the information you want displayed.
Before getting started, make sure that you have LinkIt installed on the Chrome Extension.
*This functionality will only be available for LinkIt on the Chrome Desktop Extension.
- Click the Edit icon on the upper right corner of the product information section.
- Hover over any editable sections, which will open up to a new edit mode. From there, you can update fields like price and product image.
- Once you’ve updated the Brand, Product Name, and Price fields, as well as included the desired product image, click save.
- Voila! Your product is now updated with the correct details.
Updating product information during link creation has never been easier. Save more links with your updated product descriptions to your Lists so you can continue sharing the most relevant content and building trust with your audiences!
What if LinkIt isn’t recognizing my product page?
If you’re on a supported retailer’s product page and LinkIt doesn’t seem to recognize it, you have the ability to instantly troubleshoot and create your own product page.
- Select “This is a product page”. This will direct you to create a product page.
- Add an image, brand, product name, and price. You’ll be able to select text or numerical values directly from the retailer product page.
- Save the information and start sharing your commissionable link or adding the item to a List.