When embedded onto a blog, Looks & Collective is built to auto-load 20 looks at a time. So when a viewer has viewed the first 20 Looks, the next 20 automatically appear.
Paste this code in right before your Collections code:
<div style="height: 500px; overflow: scroll">
Here's what the Collections code looks like:
<div data-sc-widget-id="L-5ea73c622b888249440ccf12"></div><script async="" src="//widgets.shopstyleqa.com/shopstyle-widget-snippet.js"></script>
So in total, it will look like this(except with your actual Collections code, this is just an example):
<div style="height: 500px; overflow: scroll">
<div data-sc-widget-id="L-5ea73c622b888249440ccf12"></div><script async="" src="//widgets.shopstyleqa.com/shopstyle-widget-snippet.js"></script>