If Widgets are posting twice on your WordPress blog, it's most commonly a plugin that is causing this. You can try to figure out which plugin it is by switching them on and off to narrow it down. Commonly, we have found the plugin called Bj Lazy Load to be the culprit. Please try the following steps to turn it off for your entire blog:
1. In your main dashboard, click settings in left menu
2. Under settings, click "Bj Lazy Load" or whichever plugin you are testing
3. Toggle Lazy load iframes to no
4. Click "Save Changes"
For BJ Lazy Load, this will turn off lazy loading for all iframes on your blog. If you have other iframes and don't want to turn off lazy loading for the entire blog, follow these steps to only turn it off for specific posts with Collective Voice widgets:
- When editing a page, scroll down to the bottom and there is a box labeled "lazy loading"
- Check "Skip lazy loading for this page"