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View & Compare Live Clicks
View Live clicks from the past 4 hours as they come in and compare this real-time data to a previous period, such as the same last week:
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Please Note
- Live Clicks are the most recent clicks, displayed as soon as we get them. Commonly, this data is from a few minutes to an hour ago!
- Members with fewer clicks will experience an extended delay (i.e. 3 additional hours or more) in their Live Clicks reports.
As soon as you receive a new or recent click, your reports will start catching up and will become up to date.
What if I think clicks are not reporting?
Keep in mind that Live Clicks will show any clicks from the past 4 hours and that it takes a few minutes to an hour for these to appear. Sometimes a click doesn't appear if it's marked as low-intent.
Clicks that might be considered low-intent:
- Clicks generated by invalid sources, such as bots, fake accounts, automated programs, or other methods. Find out more about how Collective Voice handles fraudulent clicks here
- Clicks that do not indicate genuine interest
- Repetitive or accidental clicks, such as the second click of a double click or a link is clicked on several times for no apparent reason
- Clicks made in rapid succession, examples include a user quickly clicking on every item you posted (unlikely all of these will convert to sales) or by clicking on the same item rapidly and/or multiple times
- Collective Voice participants clicking on their own links (varies by retailer)
To explain why: Imagine that your affiliate link is clicked on over 1,000 times and only 2 of those clicks convert to sales. Over time, low conversion rates like this one can negatively impact your conversion rate. The higher the ratio of readers who click and buy, the better. With this in mind, we have implemented systems that detect and filter out low-intent and invalid clicks to protect your conversion rate.